A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 7th November 2023 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillors G. Francis (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Mrs A. Bennett, D. Champion, W. Human, C. Taylor and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and Somerset Councillor H. Munt.


Apology for absence received from Councillors D. Kehoe, Mrs L. Kybert and Somerset Councillor M. Martin.


39. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs J. Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall.


40. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th September 2023 were confirmed and signed by the Presiding Chairman as a correct record.


41. Report of the Somerset Councillors


Somerset Councillor Munt reported upon issues relating to the green agenda, the financial situation of Somerset Council and a new highway contractor. He would again follow up matters relating to debris in the river at The Wall and investigate possible resurfacing of the Blackford Road in the vicinity of Poolbridge and Totney Wick.


42. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts


It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st October were as follows - Current £17,094.85, Reserve £30,715.86.


b) Authorisation for Payment

      It was agreed that the following payments be approved:-

000983 Burtle Parish Council                   grant towards cost of grit bin                              £70.00

000984 SALC                                           affiliation fee                                                      £405.61

000985 SW Ambulance                            defibrillator contracts                                      £3,360.00

000986 GWB Services                              grass cutting                                                    £1,665.00

000987 Parish Clerk                                  payroll & sundry payment reimbursement        £875.16


c) Bank Reconciliation


A bank reconciliation as at 30th September 2023 was checked with the original bank statements and signed by the Members who did not sign cheques as part of the Council’s financial controls.


d) Estimates 2024/25


Members gave preliminary consideration to the estimates for 2024/25. The Estimates would be finalised and the precept set at the next Meeting.


43. Planning Portfolio


There were no new planning applications to consider.

It was agreed to report an unauthorised residential caravan following changes to its location and appearance following previous investigation by the planning enforcement officer.




44. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


A number of highway defects had recently been reported. The Willow Tree Housing Partnership would be reminded of the need to cut back a hedge and Sedgemoor Housing Association Limited would remove a willow tree at Northwick Road. The Local Drainage Board had investigated a drainage issue at the Northwick Road end of Vole Road. The watercourses were found to be draining but slowly and it was agreed to request them to contact a landowner to instruct him to clear his section of the watercourse.

A possible extension of the speed limit at Blackford Road would fall outside the Department of Transport criteria. The village nameplate at the western approach to the village had been stolen and it was agreed to seek a quotation for a suitable replacement.


b) Play Area


It was noted that the annual play equipment inspection report was awaited.


c) Public Rights of Way


No new issues were raised.


d) Village Hall


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that the blocked drain in the car park had been rectified.


e) Defibrillator Contract


It was agreed to renew the contract with the South Western Ambulance Service for a further four years in respect of both units at a cost of £2,800 + VAT.


e) Floral Tubs


The maintenance of the floral tubs was discussed and it was agreed that they continue to be maintained on a voluntary basis.


f) Noticeboards


Councillor Mrs Bennett reported that notices were becoming damaged principally by wind and rain. It was suggested that they be refurbished and lockable doors fitted. It was agreed that quotations be obtained for this work from local tradesmen.


45. Parish Website


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that Nicola McCarthy was continuing to update and improve the web-site.


46. HM The King’s Coronation


Councillor Taylor reported that an inscribed plaque had been provided for the commemorative willow tree planted to commemorate the Coronation at the northern end of Jubilee Green.


47. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 12th December 2023 starting at 7.00 p.m.





The Meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.          Chairman                                                                  


















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