JULY 2022
Sedgemoor District Council are busy crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s ahead of 31st March 2023, when it will cease to exist.
At Full Council, which both Polly and Will attended, councillors agreed the Joint Scrutiny Terms of Reference, Ecological Emergency Declaration, Gravity Enterprise Zone Governance and Implementation, Members Code of Conduct, Sedgemoor Playing Field Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy Adoption, as well as Sedgemoor Open Space Village Design Statement. A great deal of work has gone into these by Officers and Councillors, and it is hoped they will be adopted by the new Authority. SCC also supported the Ecological Emergency Declaration.
Polly has chaired a Licensing Panel as well as a Licensing Committee meeting, at which Will was also present as a committee member. We discussed a Community Governance Review to consider a request from Chapel Allerton PC to increase their number of Councillors from 5-7. In principle we all agreed that this was an excellent idea, however, their timing was not great as the review would take over a year to complete, cost approximately £4K and not come into effect until 2027. It was agreed that it was better for Chapel Allerton to put off this review until the new authority was up and running.
Will attended Audit and Governance where the committee agreed to adopt the LGA Model Code of Conduct. He was also present at Mark Community Association Committee as a Parish Council Trustee. He has attended PC meetings and an Axe/Brue Drainage Board meeting. He continues his work with Mark Speed watch.
Polly has also attended Wedmore PC meeting and a Grants sub-committee meeting. Grants were awarded to a young lady who is captain of the under 16’s England Basket ball team, Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival for the provision of 2 defibrillators, St.George’s Newtown Hall to up-date the heating system and Escape Support Group to enable families and siblings of disabled children to enjoy trips out and social occasions. There is still approximately £34K in the grant pot and it must be used up by the end of the financial year or else it will disappear, so if you or your organisation fit the criteria for a small grant please do apply pronto.
Polly along with members of Wedmore Play Area Association, WPAA, continues work on the proposed teenage play area and POS, Public Outdoor Space, at Cross Farm. She has secured £37,900 0f RLT2 money from SDC and several other local organisations have offered funding towards the project. The total cost of the equipment and installation is £148,211 and applications for funding are going in but there is obviously a long way to go. Polly will write a separate article and publish the proposed plans as well as popping up posters of the plans in due course. It is hoped that other organisations and kind individuals will donate and support this much needed asset for our youth. Watch out, she will approach as many of you as possible!!!
Will Human – 01278 641795 will.human@sedgemoor.gov.uk
Polly Costello – 01934 713564 polly.costello@sedgemoor.gov.uk