A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 20th December 2022 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillors D. Kehoe (Chairman), D. Champion, S. Emary, G. Francis, W. Human, Mrs L. Kybert, C. Taylor and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.


Apology for absence received from County Councillor H. Munt.


45. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall and Councillor Champion declared an interest in planning application 047 and did not speak or vote thereon.


46. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 1st November 2022 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


47. Planning Portfolio


The following applications were considered – 034 Erection of agricultural building and formation of new access, Summerleaze Farm, Littlemoor Road – A. Comer – recommend permission;

039 – Alterations to chalet bungalow to form two storey dwelling including extensions, The Haven, The Causeway – Miss V. Orzechowska – defer for site visit;

043 – Siting of 13 static caravans on caravan storage area and year-round use of the caravan site, Coombes Cider Farm Park, The Causeway – West Country Park Homes – recommend refusal;

047 – Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 40 dwellings, formation of car park, public open space and other infrastructure to the rear of 1 The Croft, The Causeway – M. Wall – recommend refusal;

050 & 051LB – Erection of dormer to west elevation and installation of lift access to first floor, Orchard Cottage, The Causeway – Mr & Mrs Fenton – recommend permission;

07/22/034 – Erection of replacement dwelling with garage, Westways, Harp Road – P. Brown & Mrs M. Jones – recommend permission, subject to visibility being maintained at the Vole Road junction.

 It was also agreed to confirm recommendations of permission made since the last Meeting in respect of 040 (livestock building, Rookery Farm), 041 (agricultural workers dwelling, Rookery Farm) and 042 (equestrian land and stables, Blackford Road)


48. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts


It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st December were as follows - Current £11,780.56, Reserve £30,438.87.


b) Authorisation for Payment


It was agreed that the following payments be made

000967 GWB Services                             grass & hedge cutting                                £1,165.32                   

000968 Mark Community Association    grant                                                           £3,900.00


c) Estimates 2023/24


The Council considered the draft estimates for 2023/24. It was agreed that the Estimates be approved, the precept for 2023/24 be £18,000 and the Clerk’s salary be fixed at £4,000.




49. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


A number of highway defects and defective signs had recently been reported to County Highways and appropriate action had been taken. It was agreed to report defects along Buttlake Road.


b) Play Area


It was noted that the annual safety inspection would take place in the near future.


c) Public Rights of Way


Work had taken place at The Wall (AX23/15) to clear the vegetation through to Pill Road. Some debris had fallen into the river and County Councillor Munt was in contact with the appropriate authorities to get it removed.


d) Village Hall


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that a Village Day would take place at the Village Hall on the day after the Coronation and a dance would be held in March.


e) Defibrillators


Councillor Emary reported that the defibrillator at Amesbury and Puddy had recently been taken to a medical incident but not used. Both units remained in operational condition.


50. Parish Website


It was agreed that the Chairman and Mrs Weekes meet with a parishioner who had offered IT assistance with the web-site and report back to the next Meeting on the best way forward.


51. County Council’s Chairman’s Award


Councillor Francis was congratulated upon being chosen to receive a County Council’s Chairman’s Award. The Award would be presented in February 2023.


52. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 7th March 2023 starting at 7.00 p.m.



The Meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.






























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