Welcome to Mark Parish Council's website. The aim of this website is not only to publish the latest Parish news, but also to provide an overview of what the village has to offer for residents and visitors alike. Information includes details about local services, schools, The Church of the Holy Cross, doctors, vets, clubs, organisations and recreational facilities. We hope you find it informative and if you have any suggestions or articles that you would like to see on the site please forward them to webmaster@markvillage.co.uk.
Mark has numerous events throughout the year. This section is updated on a regular basis, so if you want your event listing please contact events@markvillage.co.uk
Mark Parish Council is made up of local residents elected to serve the village. Here you can find the minutes and agendas of Parish Council meetings, financial statements and planning applications, as well as a more in depth explanation of the the Parish Council's areas of responsibility.
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