Two new Noticeboards for the Village:
You may have noticed that two new notice cabinets have been installed in the Village: One on the wall of the Old Dairy on the Causeway and the other by the Village Stores.
These cabinets  have been provided by the Parish Council as a replacement for the old noticeboards which had become worn  and of course open to the elements. It was surprising how quickly notices and documents could become  illegible or disfigured.
The new cabinets are secured by keys and are intended to display relevant information and required notices only. The keys are held by a member of the Parish Council. Anyone wishing to display a formal notice is asked to contact the Parish Clerk Richard Young, email ‘’ 
It is appreciated that the old noticeboards sometimes become swamped with adverts for non Parish activities or Companies and of course there will no longer be space for them in the future.
Those people who liked to advertise as above are warmly welcome to consider asking the Village stores or the Parish Magazine to help them. Naturally, there may be a cost implication.
Planning Applications:
The Parish Council are required to comment on all applications for planning permission in our Village.
The details of all applications are shown on the relevant planning page on Somerset Council’s website and those for Mark are recorded under ‘Sedgemoor North.’. It is worth visiting the website regularly if able.
There are always tight timescales which have to honoured and those wishing to comment, support or object to application must be prepared to act swiftly.
It is not practicable for the details of all applications in the Village to be shown but the Parish Council will bring to immediate attention of Villagers those  which are significant or described by Somerset Council as ‘Major Applications.’ We will ask for posts to be created on the Village Facebook group or on the Parish Council website.
It should be noted that Somerset Council do take note of comments by the Parish Council but sometimes make decisions which are at variance with what the Parish Council wanted!
Danny Kehoe















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