A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillor D. Kehoe (Chairman), Councillors D. Champion, G. Francis, J. Iddles and C. Taylor with the Clerk and Somerset Councillor H. Munt.

Apology for absence received from Councillors Mrs A. Bennett, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes.


24. Disclosures of Interest

Members had no interests to disclose.


25. Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd July 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


26. Report of the Somerset Councillors

Councillor Munt reported upon staff redundancies, financial issues and changes to the Executive. He also reported that the willow tree at Northwick Road was the responsibility of Homes in Sedgemoor and that a drain in Kingsway Road had been cleared but further work was required to the system.


27. Finance

a) Balance of Accounts

It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st August were as follows - Current £16,805.91, Reserve £31,091.29.

b) Authorisation for Payment

      It was agreed that the following payments be approved

001003 C. Taylor                                   noticeboards                                                  £1,675.00

001004 GWB Services                          grass cutting                                                  £2,208.90

001005 SALC                                        affiliation fee                                                    £428.56

001006 Parish Clerk                              payroll & sundry payment reimbursement   £1,042.35

001007 Somerset Forge Ltd                  finger posts                                                    £1,044.00


c) Bank Reconciliation

A bank reconciliation as at 30th June 2024 was checked with the original bank statement and signed by the Members who did not sign cheques as part of the Council’s financial controls.

28. Planning Portfolio

The following applications were considered – 007 - Erection of single storey extension to north elevation and porch to south elevation, 3 The Croft – Miss K. Tucker – recommend permission;

015 – Erection of rear extension and rooflight, Larches Barn, The Causeway – Mr & Mrs R. May – recommend permission;

It was also agreed to confirm recommendations of refusal made since the last Meeting in respect of 010 (Rookery Retreat, Northwick Road) and 011 (Self build dwelling, Ivy House Farm) and permission in respect of 008 (off street parking, 2 The Croft), 009 (Orangery, Willow Croft, Littlemoor Road) and 012 (Variation of conditions, Portland House)


29. Public Areas Portfolio

a) Highway Matters

It was noted that blocked highway drains at Yarrow Road had been reported. The Willow Tree Housing Partnership hedge at Northwick Road had now been trimmed. The two missing arms on the fingerpost sign at Butt Lake crossroads had now been replaced. A post had been dislodged at Jubilee Green. It was agreed to support possible parking restrictions in the area of the Kingsway Road/Church Street junction being included in the Somerset Council’s new Parking Amendment Order.

b) Play Area

Councillor Taylor reported that a damaged bench had been removed from the play area for repairs. The annual inspection would take place during October and, after comments from a resident, it was agreed to request ideas from the inspector on possible ideas for improvements to the play equipment. The play area had been selected for an award in the 2024 SPFA Field of the Year Competition and the Presentation Event would take place on 4th October.

c) Public Rights of Way

It was noted that Somerset Council had cut vegetation at The Wall. No other new issues were raised.

d) Village Hall

There was no report on issues relating to the Hall.

e) Somerset Bus Partnership

It was noted that the Somerset Bus Partnership had a “Bus it this September” campaign.

f) Noticeboards

It was noted that the two new Parish Council noticeboards had been fitted in place. It was agreed that reference to the location of the defibrillators and bleed kit should be included on the noticeboards and investigation would also take place to see if the old open noticeboard(s) could be refurbished for use at suitable locations as general parish noticeboards.

g) Social Media Policy

Councillor Iddles undertook to report back on this subject at the next Meeting.


30. Parish Website

In the absence of Councillor Mrs Weekes there was no update on the web-site.


31. Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 5th November 2024 starting at 7.00 p.m.


The Meeting closed at 7.25 p.m.                                                   Chairman                  









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